Sunday, February 14, 2016

Five Months!

Baby girl is growing. It's almost time to buy her some new clothes again. Something I feel we're doing every couple of months. It's been a fun month. She is in the stage of grabbing things (quite ferociously I might add) and putting it in her mouth. She likes to do that with my hair, and lawd, is that girl strong. My favorite is when I lay her next to Finn on the guest bed while I change diapers and she'll be grabbing Finn's, and I'll hear him say "Ow. Ow. Ow."

I can tell she's gearing up for solid food. She eyes our food intensely. I wonder if she'll be my good eater while we have to work with Finn's singular love for chicken and fries.

Have I mentioned how loud Skye can get? Oh I can't tell you how many times she's just decided to scream (not cry) or just talk while one of us is holding her and it becomes like a sound blocker to where you can't hear ANYTHING. Rob and I will try to talk and it ends up not working at 'tall. (that's my British accent coming out, lol).

It's been a sweet month. I can't even comprehend that she'll be half a year old next month.

Oh and all of these pics of her just melt me into a puddle. Her little jelly shoes. Her smile. Her chubby thighs. Gah...


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