Monday, June 16, 2014

Office/Guestroom Rehab

A room in our house got a bit of a makeover, and let me tell you, this one didn't come easily…

Let me back up as this is a story about an office/guestroom that was previously a cray-hay-zy disorganized junk room. Most people have attics or garages or some sort of place to store their stuff. We had this…

The room was filled with: old mail to be shredded, paper, Christmas stuff, paper, books, a stroller, car seat, ladder, vacuum, old magazines, paper, random odds and ends that we just didn't know what to do with and a whole bunch of chaos. Absolute chaos. The room got out of control during us prepping the house for last year’s Christmas party. It was the dumping ground for everything we wanted to conceal. It was a gradual thing, but it turned into craziness. Overall I really hated the fact that we didn't have a functioning guest bed, or a functioning office space.

So I finally started chipping away at the room. With the encouragement of my mom, I would just choose one section and work on it then stop. And this is what I’ve been doing at night for the past 3 weeks. I threw out so much stuff, it felt amazing. There’s still stuff on the other corner of this room that needs to go in the attic that still needs to be “built” (we just need to lay some wood down) but for now, this room is looking 1000x’s better.  Just the fact that I can see the floor is a HUGE victory.

Rob’s need for an office space was the real push for me. I was able to “reveal” the room to him on Father’s Day. (yes, I told him not to go in that room till I was done, lol)

The curtains are those $10 Vivan curtains (yep, $10 for two panels) from Ikea, which I highly recommend washing and drying before using. I pulled them out of the package and they were suuuuper crunchy, but now they feel great. The wall hanging metal file holder is from Ikea as well. Only $14, gotta love Ikea.

The marker board is from Target, as well as the cork boards. The splash of color is some awesome crayon art from my dear friend.

I also purchased this little tray from Target and placed some notepads, sticky notes, a vase for pens/pencils and that cute little green canister to hold our thumb drives. 

We also hung our dear friend Moby above the bed and I love it there.

We celebrated Father’s day on Saturday and Sunday. My side of the family gave my dad this zero gravity chair, much to his enjoyment. Lol, love our dad.

Sunday was just a Rob day. We went to church, ate at Chipotle (Finn even gets his own little kids meal from there now…his baby quesadilla is adorable) then went to Rob’s favorite book store. We're so thankful for this man.

Hard to tell in the above pic, but Finn had his little arm wrapped around Rob's neck, a favorite little thing of ours. <3

Overall it was a good weekend, and man I am happy to not have to sort through one more box of random junk from 7th grade. With this new office I have a feeling Rob and I might be super productive in the days to come. Watch out world, I feel like I could do anything! ;)

1 comment:

  1. Great job, Lisa! I love your decorating style: simple with splashes of color and efficient space usage. Maybe you could come help me with my house - although you have to think " lake house" :)



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