Sunday, November 2, 2014

Halloween 2014

This year the sweet boy was a wild dinosaur (we like to say dinosaur like Jeff Goldblum from Jurassic Park). I followed this amazing tutorial for his tail and was inspired by this overall concept from Rust and Sunshine. (thank you to both!) I used a sleeper I had on hand and added a hood along with the spikes. I'm not a pro sewer at all, I promise, I didn't have a machine but MacGyvered it all by hand. But we were happy to see our little dino excited about it...

His little hands in this pic look like a t-rex for sure...

Our little dino then tried to climb a tree...

Then got tired of that and started looking for shelter...

Then found a blanket and took a nap (yeah right) :))

Love our wild boy...

Rob and I both dressed up this year...totally just created some last minute costumes (those can be the best though!) He went as Dr. Who...Matt Smith version. 

Equipped with a sonic screwdriver and everything...

His sonic screwdriver he created was super impressive to me...oh and hello handsome. We're going to make him wear a bowtie more often.

Me? I dressed up as Katniss Everdeen. Rob made me a bow out of a stick in our yard (what a man) and I made my mockingjay "pin" with some gold paper we had. Here I am watching out for enemies...

We're doofs...I don't think I could ever really look

We had a great night with dear family and friends. We ate chili, trick-or-treated (Finn, being his shy self, actually walked up to a few doors!) and enjoyed the cooler weather. Yay for a non-sweaty Halloween! Happy November!


  1. You guys are hilarious lol Finn looked great! Kudos to the costume maker! It came out so cute!

  2. What a happy family! Keep up the memory making with costume making and showing store bought is not as much fun. I'm proud of you all and how you are raising your dinosaur. Love mom



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