Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Operation Christmas Child

I wanted to share this awesome project that my church is participating in along with many MANY others, and that is Operation Christmas Child.

I am very new to this project and truly don't claim to have supported it for years and years, I'm a newbie, but I really think it's something special. It's pretty simple too. You pack a shoebox with new toys/school supplies/hygiene items/accessories, include a $7 donation for shipping (as these are shipped all around the world) and drop it off at a collection site. (VISIT HERE FOR MORE DETAILS)

Lately, I find myself thinking of what to get Finn for Christmas. I've been looking at getting him a tent or a little piano, and it's easy to forget the fact of how privileged we are in this country to give our kids gifts at Christmas. (obviously not saying that there aren't children and families here that are in need) Some of my favorite childhood memories are surrounded with my family unwrapping gifts around the Christmas tree and then ultimately going outside to break in all of our new stuff.

A friend of mine who is an advocate at our church for OCC encouraged us with some words that really pierced my mind and heart. She shared that it's often said we should help the people here and in turn neglect the people "over there" (in the other parts of the world). But as bad as things can be here we are still the 20% that are privileged. 80% of the world lives on less than $10 a day...these people living in developing nations. (Source) And children in these nations are the most vulnerable. She said for the children in these nations, they cannot conceive being given a box, let alone a box filled with gifts from someone from the other side of the world. She said it's a powerful tool to right the injustices we think are impossible to overcome.

If you are interested in participating, I gotta say this big and loud because THIS week is National Collection Week, November 18-25th!!! 

So the time is now. Literally. Again you can visit HERE for packing instructions, gift ideas, and drop off locations. There's even the option to build a shoebox online, click here! I'm thankful to be able to be a part of this beautiful project alongside SO many others. Oh the joy that fills my heart to bless these little ones from "over here". What an amazing opportunity.

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