Sunday, May 4, 2014

Insert Title Here

Florida is getting hotter and hotter. I know the days are getting few as far as how much longer I can bear to be outside, so we made a trip to the park this weekend. I dressed in my finest t-shirt and we headed to the outdoors.

This park is always makes me think we're somewhere else other than Florida. Not really a palm tree in sight.

It's funny finding out the random similarities between yourself and your kid. I found that Finn tucks his hand under his neck just like I do when I sleep. He also has an aversion to dirty hands. This was a known fact of Rob's that came up early in our marriage where he would tell me he hated having dirt on his hands. Like father, like son apparently. Finn has the same feelings.

Here's daddy helping clean them off.

His first pair of flip flops. A Florida must.

Family of three...I'm realizing the few shots we have of the three of us.

This weekend we also upgraded Finn to his new car seat. I felt kinda late to doing this, but he's such a small boy, he still fit the requirements of his previous little baby car seat. Daddy had fun installing the thing.

I had to point out to him that this was his bassist pose from his back-in-the-day metal band.

Finn sat on the stoop and played with the door mat while Rob installed the ginormous thing.

Then he put his mouth on the screen...this boy is building up his immunity for sure. Anyone wanna come over and pressure wash our house? :)

I'm planning on sharing the art pieces I've been working on this week. At least one of them is done. I think. I've been really taking my time with them.

Hoping you all have a wonderful week!


  1. Sigh...back-in-the-day metal stance...

    1. Lol, aw Tony I had a feeling that would strike a chord with you. (Haha...punny) :))



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