Friday, October 5, 2012

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

I thought it would be fun to show the reality of our home right now. You know, sometimes looking at blogs or Facebook, you can think that some people's lives look so put together and so dang perfect. So I thought it would be slightly funny to show a bit of our home's all its goodness, lol.

So let me start with the first room you are greeted by when you walk into our home. Doesn't it just scream, "Welcome!"? lol

First, I'll state that Rob and I are going to be getting new carpet in the three bedrooms soon. So we started emptying the closets in two of the rooms and we're in the process of going through all of our tubs and randomness. We hope to have an attic floor built soon to store this stuff instead of keeping it in the closets.

Even though it looks like madness and I totally can't stand this room, it's definitely the chaos before the calm. Getting truly organized has been something I've really wanted for us. Thankfully, I don't feel the need to hold on to every single little thing, so we've been able to throw/give away quite a few things that really we don't need/want.

The reason I felt inspired to write this post is all due to when I was taking the below picture of my new burlap pumpkins...I found it comical what a little good framing will do that prevents you from seeing the craziness lurking only feet away, lol.

Also, here's a little sneak peek of what I'm dreaming up for this room...

So let's move's the other two rooms that we're having to pull everything out of. We haven't moved any big stuff out yet since we're not exactly at the point of getting new carpet installed.

Beautiful, huh? :)

And well, here's our back porch. Yep, that pressure washing only lasted so long before the dirt blew right back in! Rob and I both have dreams for this space. One thing's for sure, we're getting rid of the Jacuzzi. We tried it when we first bought the house (after extennnnnnsive cleaning) however it's just not our thing. We could see even closing the porch in one day and making it another bedroom/den as well as a fully functioning laundry space (right now the washer/dryer is located in our main hallway).

As far as trying to keep the lanai clean, it doesn't help having Jack who runs outside in the dirt/rain and brings all the muddy goodness in with him. If only we could train him to wipe his little paws.

Here's our backyard...definitely green, but also most definitely cray-cray. If only Rob or I loved the act of yard day we'll get to hacking at this area and make it nice...front yard in my first priority though. Maybe we'll wait till Finn is a little older and we can recruit him to help us back here, lol.

So there you have it...there's some bad and ugly for ya. The nice thing is, I can just retreat to a finished room in our house and forget about the craziness lurking around us. It doesn't work every time, but it works. God's helping me to learn to not let it all affect is hard when you're an environmentally affected person, but He's helping me.

So here's to life and all its realities! The good, the bad and the ugly.

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