Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Labor-free Day

I love three day weekends. Anyone else with me? I just looked up the history of Labor Day and it was created to reward the "contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of our country." (credit) Yep, to that I'll say "hear hear!"

This past weekend all of us kids drove down to my dad and Marsy's house. It always feels like a nice escape going there. Even with this new house of theirs that has a POOL. Ah, pools in Florida are a must, yet this is the first time in a while a family member has had a private pool. Love it. We did what we often do, ate some delicious food, hung around, swam, fed Finn some real bananas for the first time, ate some more, discovered my dad knows way more lyrics to "Apple Bottom Jeans" than I do, laid on the couch, ate some cookies. There was no golf on the TV this time, maybe there wasn't a tournament going on. 

Finn was extra clingy when in the pool this go-round. It doesn't seem like he doesn't like it, there's no tears or fuss, he just wants to be close. So sweet, my boys...

Rob was on his best uncle-behavior...tossing the kids around in the pool for what seemed like a good hour.

Love watching him discover things, even if it's just the little button on top of daddy's hat...

A lil blurry, but Finn kept popping up on the ottoman with a sweet smile for Uncle Greg and Aunt Jen.

Last minute snuggles with papa before heading home...

Can you believe it's September? I love that the holidays are coming. I think I may wait until October till I get my yearly cinnamon broom this time though. Wanna hear a confession? I still have candy corn in a mason jar from last year. Yep, and I still eat it. And it still tastes really good. Don't judge.

I'm going to hang my paint swatch art piece tonight and then take pics to share. There's a little something extra I want to do to it, but I think I just need to get it on the wall for now. Cause who knows when I'll get to it.

Hey, it's halfway through the week already! Hip hip! :)

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